Lead Paint Remediation

MaineHousings receives funding from State and Federal sources to offer programs that provide funding to single-family households and owners of rental properties in Maine to help make their homes and rental properties lead safe. Priority for program funds will be granted to abatement projects for housing in which a child resides and who has been determined to have an elevated blood lead level.

Program Component

State-funded Program

Federally-funded Program


  1. Owner-occupied single-family homes.
  2. Owners of multi-family rental units; and
    Owners of multi-family rental units must commit for a four-year period to lease units to households with incomes at or below 100% of the Area Median Income (AMI) and to keeping rents affordable, not to exceed HUD’s published Fair Market Rents.

  1. Owner-occupied single-family homes.
  2. Owners of multi-family rental units; and
    Owners of multi-family rental units must commit for a three-year period to rent at least 50% of units assisted with Federal Lead Program funds to households with incomes at or below 50% AMI  and the remaining units to households with incomes at or below 80% AMI; and
    Owners of multi-family rental units must prioritize renting to households with children under 6 years of age.

Owner Match Requirements

At least 10% of the costs of abatement if not under abatement order; and at least 25% of the costs of abatement if the building is under abatement orders.

No owner match requirement.

Amount of funding available per project

Up to $30,000 for an owner-occupied, single-family home; and up to $15,000 per unit for rental units, with no limit on the number of units that can be enrolled in the program.


Outbuildings needing to be addressed per a Lead Design Plan may receive up to an additional $15,000 to abate or demolish.

Up to $16,000 for an owner-occupied, single-family home; and up to $10,000 per unit for rental units, up to 10 units per building.


Note: units funded through the federal lead program may be eligible to receive up to $3,238 of Healthy Homes funding per unit to address a variety of health and safety issues.


Program Component

State-funded Program

Federally-funded Program

Income Eligibility

Income of households being served must be at or below 100% AMI.

Owner-occupied, single-family homes: households must have incomes at or below 80% AMI.


Multi-unit rental buildings: owners must rent at least 50% of the units being assisted with program funds to households with incomes at or below 50% AMI  and the remaining units to households with incomes at or below 80% AMI.

Depending upon the funding sources used to best suit your abatement needs there may be further eligibility requirements. When applying for the program the Community Action Agency administering the program in your area will walk you through all eligibility requirements.


Contact Information

To apply for a Lead Paint Hazard Remediation Program grant, please contact the Community Action Agency serving your area.

For more information, see the related documents or contact:

Email Us

(207) 816-3550

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