MaineHousing and the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development invite you to attend our public forums as we develop the HUD 2017 Annual Action Plan. This plan identifies the annual goals, priorities and objectives for using the Community Development Block Grant Program (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME), and the Emergency Solutions Grant Program (ESG).
We are seeking input on how these funds should be allocated.
In the 2015-2019 Five Year Consolidated Plan, MaineHousing indicated that HOME funds would generally be used for multifamily new construction/rehab, and tenant-based rental assistance. MaineHousing plans to use ESG funds to fund emergency shelters, rapid re-housing programs and the Homeless Management Information System. The CDBG program planned priorities are housing rehabilitation, public infrastructure improvements and economic development activities which include direct assistance to businesses and workforce development.
In 2016 Maine received $10,789,352 in CDBG funds, $3,153,110 for HOME and $1,322,743 for ESG.
We look forward to your comments on how these funds should be allocated in 2017 and any other suggestions you have for MaineHousing and DECD.
Please join us.
Augusta: June 27th, 10 AM, Board Room, Maine State Housing Authority
353 Water Street, Augusta, Maine
Presque Isle: June 28th, 10 AM, Mark & Emily Turner Memorial Library,
39 2nd Street, Presque Isle, Maine
For more information please contact:
Deborah Johnson, Office of Community Development, 624-9817
Paula Weber, MaineHousing, 626-4600
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