Section 811 PRA

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The Section 811 Project Rental Assistance (PRA) Program, hereafter referred to as 811 PRA, authorized by the Frank Melville Supportive Housing Investment Act of 2010, is a U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) program designed to expand the supply of permanent supportive housing for extremely low-income people with disabilities.

The 811 PRA Program makes available integrated affordable housing and support services for persons with disabilities through a partnership between the Maine State Housing Authority (MaineHousing) and Maine Department of Health and Human Services Office of Adult & Disability Services (OADS).  MaineHousing provides project-based rental assistance to make the rents affordable to extremely low-income households. The Office of Aging and Disability Services oversees the provision of services that the client is eligible to receive.

MaineHousing anticipates that it will be able to provide rental assistance for approximately 60 housing units across the State of Maine.



The 811 PRA is a HUD program designed to expand the supply of permanent supportive housing for extremely low-income people with disabilities.

General requirements include:

  • Income at or below HUD’s posted extremely low income limit (30% of Area Median Income)
  • Age between 18 and 61
  • Eligible for long term care services

In addition, client eligibility for the Section 811 PRA Program includes disabled persons as defined by the HUD Section 811 PRA Program.  In Maine this includes the following target populations:

  • MaineCare Section 18: Home and Community Based Services for Adults with Brain Injury
  • MaineCare Section 19: Home and Community Benefits (HCB) for the Elderly and for Adults with Disabilities
  • MaineCare Section 20: Home and Community Based Services for Adults with Other Related Conditions
  • MaineCare Section 21: Home and Community Benefits for Members with Intellectual Disabilities or Autistic Disorder
  • MaineCare Section 29: Support Services for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities or Autistic Disorder
  • The following group will have priority status: Persons with disabilities living in institutions eligible for Homeward Bound MFP


Contact Information

MaineHousing and OADS have worked with Emphasys/Social Serve to develop the MaineHousing 811 PRA Program Applicant Registry.  This system will allow Referral Agents and Case Managers to assist eligible clients to apply to the Section 811 PRA waitlist.  The MaineHousing Point of Contact will be able to utilize the 811 PRA Applicant Registry to match eligible clients with vacant units. 

Kimberly Whitley, Portfolio Manager

Email Me

(207) 626-4600

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