Public Notices


Public hearings for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) will be held on Tuesday, May 21, 2019 at Maine State Housing Authority, 353 Water Street, Augusta, Maine 04330-4633.  There will be two (2) consecutive hearings with the first beginning at 9:30 AM -  1) Chapter 24 – HEAP Rule; and 2) FFY 2020 LIHEAP State Plan.

Copies of the proposed Rule and State Plan are available on MaineHousing’s website or by calling 207-626-4600 or 1-800-452-4668 (Voice) or Maine Relay 711 or by writing to MaineHousing, Energy & Housing Services, 353 Water Street, Augusta, Maine 04330-4633.

The attached documents provide additional information about the public hearings and a summary of the proposed changes.

  • 2020 LIHEAP State Plan
  • 2020 LIHEAP State Plan - Public Hearing Notice
  • Chapter 24 Home Energy Assistance Program Rule - DRAFT
*Edit 02/24/2020 - documents links have been removed as they are no longer relevant. 

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